About Us

The firm is a sole proprietorship specializing in architectural consultation and practice. John A. Teets, ARA. is a Registered Architect in New Jersey and Pennsylvania, is now in his forty-fourth year of functioning as a Principal on numerous projects, and having over fifty years of experience in the architectural and planning field. He is a member of the Society of American Registered Architects and the International Code Council (I.C.C.). We also are gratified with our A+ rating from the Better Business Bureau.
Work has encompassed new construction, renovation, and historic restoration, adaptive reuse of existing facilities, programming, and feasibility studies. Projects have spanned religious, medical, commercial, residential, and manufacturing. In the last few years we have designed numerous Convenience Store and Fuel facilities, especially with Sunoco, Conoco, and Phillps 66.
We are a FLEX firm and have handled projects from the smallest storefront to those of several million dollars in construction cost while not having to charge the significant additional overhead that results from having a large permanent staff. We also are able to offer in that way specialists tailored to your needs, and not just assign someone who happens to be available. Our paramount interest is in helping you make the right decisions for your project at the earliest possible time, and to put together the team that will truly meet your needs in terms of both timely performance and quality.
Back to TopQualifications

John A. Teets, ARA has two degrees in the field of architecture from the highly regarded Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, New York. The Bachelor of Science in the Building Sciences and the professional five-year Bachelor of Architecture degree were received in June of 1971. Continuing education has been pursued in numerous areas including Management Techniques, Preventive Maintenance, Time Management, Computer Applications, Codes, Building Systems, and Legal Aspects of the Profession. A pioneer user of Apple Macintosh computer systems, Mr. Teets has thirty-nine years of experience exploiting the graphic capabilities of the computer. Our Macintosh capabilities are particularly cost-effective for smaller adaptive reuse and renovation projects and for feasibility/schematic drawings for projects of all sizes. We can generate fundraising materials, wall displays, videos, postcards, etc.
Mr. Teets has taken all the examinations needed to become registered as an architect in most states. Registration is presently held in Pennsylvania and New Jersey, due to the location of his practice. Qualified consultants are retained as required for engineering disciplines including civil, structural, acoustic, sound, mechanical, electrical, and lighting, models, interior design, special presentations, etc.
Back to TopExperience
In addition to private practice, Mr. Teets has diverse experience working for community planning organizations, quasi-governmental agencies, a precut home manufacturer, an in-house design department of a major retail chain, as well as both production and management experience with both large and small architectural/ engineering firms, which has given a very broad perspective of the profession from the varied viewpoints of the Architect, Owner, User, and Community of Location.
Extensive field and contract administration work complement our wide exposure to numerous building types, whether involving new construction, addition, or restoration/renovation.
We have never shrunk back from challenging projects and have made church spaces out of a printing plant, a medical records warehouse, a bakery, a large appliance store and even a dog grooming salon to name five.
We followed a Priest's word from the Lord to "build on top" even when the existing roof was inadequate structurally. Using a floor system suspended from a preengineered roof frame, we achieved his vision of a home for religious workers on top of an existing personal care facility.
We also were able to use an inverted beam to remove closely-spaced concrete columns for a multi-use chapel space. If there is the will, we will find the way!
Back to TopThe Fresh Look
Sometimes a simple "Box" is the best alternative for a design, but more often it is not. When it is the best solution, we will use it, but using space wisely often dictates other solutions, and we are open to all solutions.
Copying what others have done almost always assures a less than ideal solution because no two clients and no two sets of needs and no two buildings or building sites are alike.
Each project deserves a "fresh look" based upon sound observation, analysis, and skill. We are committed to giving your project that critical "fresh look" and we are open to all the alternatives as we labor before the Lord on your behalf.
We use pre-engineered, modular, and "stick-built" solutions or sometimes a combination as project requirements may dictate.
Back to TopSpecial Areas of Expertise
John's special areas of expertise include the following:
- Meeting programmed needs and accommodating needed functions - the building is designed to solve a program, not merely create a "statement".
- Space-efficient planning, maximizing usable space and minimizing waste.
- Cost-efficient planning, keeping factors which influence cost constantly in mind while developing the program and the design.
- Planning for the needs of the physically challenged, including but not limited to the ADA law (designed a vocational school for those with disabilities)
- Computer-assisted design, presentation, project management, estimating, and scheduling.
- The desire to hear from God and trust the Holy Spirit, drawing on more than simply my professional and educational background.
Professional Workstyle
- Applies high standards in terms of both professional excellence and personal honesty in all the endeavors I involve myself with.
- Solving design problems by meeting needs - never saying it can't be done, but instead finding a way to accomplish the goal. Examples include the successful space planning in difficult building configurations even when the program was increased midstream, and accommodation of the real needs of the physically disabled even where space is at a premium.
- Meeting the needs of the program and making sure the building functions correctly as well as meeting design and construction cost goals.
- Exploits computers and the Internet in all aspects of practices, and uses varying approaches to solving problems, including modular and pre-engineered construction where appropriate.
- Sensitivity to the historic fabric, having worked under Mr. Hyman Myers, a restoration architect of national renown, and also working with old buildings firsthand in various capacities.
- Exceptional track record with institutions and clients that require pleasing a broad range of users, including New Covenant Church of Philadelphia, The Salvation Army, and La Salle University and Rutgers University while a manager with Frank Vitetta.
We also operate in accordance with the following Five Christian Principles